Tuesday, September 27, 2011

They call me Little Dude, a Tommy guest post.

Hi! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the latest and greatest addition to the crib. I'm Tommy, but you can call me Little Dude, like mommy does, if you want. I kinda like it. I haven't been around too long, but I'm digging all the attention I get. My big sister Tori gives me kisses, like, 1,000 times per day. And lots of people come over to visit me.
My Grandma and Grandpa were just here. I'm named after my Grandpa. He's pretty cool, and he says he will take me for a motorcycle ride one of these days. When I can talk, I'm going to tell him I need a leather jacket. All the cool babies are wearing them.
My Grandma is super fun too. She spent a lot of time with my big sisters. They got to ride bikes and do lots of stuff that looked so fun. I can't wait until I'm a big kid!
Here's another picture of Grandma with my big sisters Dani and Tori. They didn't sit still for long.
My Grandpa was a really good snuggler. I like to sleep alot. He had a good belly to sleep on. He likes to sleep too. I think I heard him snoring sometimes when I was sleeping on him.
There was so much to do when Grandma and Grandpa were here! So many people came over to the house to see us. It was really tiring to meet so many people! I needed a nap after they went to the airport. For old folks, they really keep a baby on his toes!
Well, this is Little Dude, signing off. Hope you liked my first guest post. Come visit me!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

One Month!

Mr. Tom, aka Little Dude is one month old!
He's the biggest of the three! Ten pounds, ten ounces! I don't know where he's putting it, as he's a skinny little bean. Must be the balls. That's my guess.
He had his first "tummy time" tonight. He was a super champ! The hardest part was keeping Tori from trampeling him. I tried to get Dani to lay with him for a picture, but she kept insisting that she didn't need tummy time and being generally bratty.
Big Man's mom has been here for two weeks helping out. She's taking off tomorrow and my folks are flying in for the week. Woo hoo!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Go Bears!

I was hoping to get a family pic while each of was dressed in our Bears garb during Football Sunday. Unfortunately, the kids conspired to sleep in shifts so we never had all three awake all day. But, even little Tommy was decked out in Blue and Orange!
A little snuggletime.
And, arguing over a call wtih Daddy!
Someday we'll have a good enough family pic to print!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sloppy kisses!

I gave Tommy a bath tonight and put him in a chair for some photos. Then he was mobbed by his adoring sisters.
First Tori hopped up to give him some sugar.
Then Dani decided to help.