She was excited to see Dani, as were all the ladies on her floor!
I promised Grandpa and Grandma I'd put some video from yesterday up so they could see what Dani's been up to. This one's a little long but captures the latest Dani-isms.
Looking forward to going to David & Gail's in a little while. Shannon got a new kitten, and Dani will be very excited to play with a pet that doesn't know better than to let her maul it!
I've spent the last two hours wrapping christmas presents to ship....still not done.
Big Man has tonight off, and was home last night, so we had a great family day. He cooked a big ol' breakfast, we watched tons of football and played with Dani. She is so much fun! I made a kick ass roast in my new roaster tonight!
We don't typically let Dani have caffeinated beverages, but she flips for straws. She saw me with my (low caf) iced coffee from Stewart's, and had to try some. I'm impressed by her use of the straw.
Big Man's home tonight, so we are spending the day snuggling on the couch watching football.
We took some video of our big girl tonight, especially for Grandpa who is home recovering from eye surgery.
Dani's gotten really good with a fork. Of course we put the food on it first because we aren't keen on cleaning up messes. She's enjoying some eggs for dinner.
She's teething like crazy but is still the happiest, most playful baby ever. There are two more coming in on top and two more on the bottom. She was so giggly today I called Grandpa and great-Grandma so they could hear Dani laugh! Big Man's off for the next two nights so looking forward to some family time.
My friend, Kristen, told me that shredded cheese was a great snack to feed babies. Her 1 year old loves it. She didn't tell me, and I never considered, what an awful mess it would make. But Dani loved it. Like crack for babies. Made me wish I had a dog to lick up the mess!
Stay tuned for a Dani guest post coming soon.