Mayor Ann Thane:
Fourth Ward Supervisor David Dybas:
A number of Fulton County Dems joined us. Thank you to the Crystal Ristorante for a lovely spread, and to Comptroller DiNapoli!
Fourth Ward Supervisor David Dybas:
Grandpa, thank you for putting together my big girl crib! I love it.
Grandma, thanks for letting me try teething cookies--they are so yummy! Mommy let me have another one tonight, and I didn't share, not even with Daddy!
Grandpa, I love your hugs!
Dani's only been crawling for one week--but look at her go!
She's having so much fun with my parents!
My folks fly in tomorrow night. They are going to have a blast!
Fun in the play-Jeep:
First time on a swing:
In other news, Dani's going to crawl for real any day now. She is making solid efforts, as seen here. She can spin in circles, which is the cutest thing ever. I think she's waiting for grandma and grandpa's visit to master it, just for them. Here is tonight's attempt.
As an aside, to the many folks to reached out to me recently with friendship and support--thanks. Mom, sorry I was a little bitchy on the phone last night; rough day; love you much!
She initially was perplexed but seemed to enjoy the puff. She spit out the first puff, and as you can see I gave her another. The video abruptly ends because I threw the camera, ripped the top off the highchair, and nearly ripped off my fingernail in a frantic effort to dislodge the puff from Dani's throat. (Don't tell daddy.) Holy scary moment!
Needless to say, we enjoyed some safer food after that.
Dani and I hit the farmstand today, so we are going to have fresh peas and sweet corn with dinner! Woo hoo!
Dani is seriously going to crawl at any moment, which means I've got to start cleaning the house, and the floors, more often!
Grandma and grandpa are coming to visit on the 22nd and we are so excited!!!
Yesterday, Big Man took this video:
Every day it's a little more fun.
Somebody woke up with a tooth today. Lower left!
We went to David and Gail's for the 4th. Lots of BBQ and friends and family. Dani had her first bounce on a trampoline.
Gail, helping Dani to bounce:
Still no teeth, but I am happy to report that she can now crawl backwards and sideways, just not forward.
Lots of fun things going on this weekend, so I expect lots to post about, but for now, all you get is this teeny video Dad!
I'm beat, so that's all I got.