Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Where does the time go?

A couple quick videos of my beanie boo!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
In the abstract.

Dani says, "Psst, down here, did you figure it out yet?"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Fantasy football.
T Brady QB
B Jacobs RB
B Westbrook RB
D Driver WR
D Hester WR
H WardWR
O DanielsTE
S GostkowskiK
Giants DST
M Hasselbeck QB
B Wells RB
R Williams RB
L Moore WR
D Lee TE

Big news on the Big Man front coming soon.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Family visit!
Before they arrived, Dani showed me she could use a sippy cup all by herself!

Dani is really close to walking. She is pulling herself up easily and if you hold her hands can walk across the room So much fun!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Another first.

While Big Man was cooking dinner, Dani and I were playing, and she was coming dangerously close to our oft-repeated mantra, "no kitchen; no bathroom; no stairs". But, I figured, what's so bad about the stairs? They really are the perfect thing for her to try to pull herself up on. So, I fired up the ol' camera, and this is what we saw! I have confirmed with Big Man that this was the first, truly independent act of pulling herself up and then standing (albeit briefly) that we have seen. Disregard the part where she falls on her butt because mommy is still recording.
We have learned that we can enjoy a hot dinner together with Dani in the high chair, if we ply her with puffs. Yes, Dani has finally mastered the puffs! In fact, I got some Gerber graduates veggie doodles yesterday and she can eat those too. At first she tried to put the inch-ish long doodle into her mouth, but then I showed her how to bite down, and she copied me! My baby is so smart!
And, tonight, an uneventful bedtime with no crying, and just a tired baby happy to be in her crib--so nice--back to normal.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The luck of the draw.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Dani's a swinger.

The color's a little off because the sun was behind Dani, but it still captures the fun!
50 years ago.

Dani had fun! (so did I).
When Daddy's away...

Dani likes to play "crawl after the kitty", but Scrubbie cat always wins at that game!

Friday, August 14, 2009
Ragamuffin (or why dads shouldn't dress babies)

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Stew on this.
There is absolutely no reason everyone in America should not have access to health care.

Dani's back, feeling better and crawling with a vengeance. I caught her chasing the cat tonight. Look at that determined little face!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
An update, by Dani.

Mommy got me lots and lots of new clothes from something she called craigslist. I don't know who this craig is, or what a list even is (I'm only a baby, after all.) but any time mommy comes home with two huge bags of clothes for me, I'm happy. Maybe when I feel better we can play dress up!
Tonight, while mommy and daddy were eating dinner, mommy's cousin Lisa stopped by with her kids, Greg and Angela, who I guess are my cousins too or something like that. Lisa had on a pretty necklace that I got to play with--you know I love the bling!

I guess daddy made mommy a really yummy dinner tonight. I didn't get to try it, but I heard mommy say pork tenderloin with garlic and spices, which I guess were expertly applied by daddy. Mommy seemed so happy. I snapped a quick shot of the pork when daddy wasn't looking--I hope he teaches me how to cook someday! (It looked better on mommy's plate than it does in the pan.)Anyway, I have a super secret message for someone who I will call "a" (hey, I'm a baby, that's the only letter I know)--I hope you find the fairy godmother soon--mommy would like that (but if you do, can I meet her, I never met a fairy before) --but mommy thought your card was really nice. But "a"--next time you stop by my house when mommy's not home, please come in and play with me?
Ok, everybody, mommy says I have to go to bed now. Bye, bye.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Baby's first fever.
Hot, pukey, miserable baby.
Tired, concerned mommy and daddy.
This morning, fever a little lower (100.9); baby still pukey, but seemingly better-ish.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Baby Boot Camp.

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Daddy says:

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Look what I can do!

She is just so much fun!
She has started crying in her sleep a bit, and waking up sometimes too which is disconcerting (she's doing it right now). She will be sleeping, in her crib, and just cry and wail briefly. It's particularly disconcerting when I'm trying to sleep. But she's still a great sleeper--12 hours baby!
**As I typed this she started crying. screaming, actually. Went upstairs to an awake and sweaty baby who was just unhappy. and awake. after 10 minutes of singing, holding, rubbing the screaming continued. So I tried a pacifier. She hasn't touched one since she found her thumb, but the screaming is louder than it has ever been. The paci worked for long enough for me to make it downstairs, then the screaming began again. I know I can't keep going up and picking her up or I will create a monster, but hate to hear my little beanie cry!**
Tonight is Big Man's last night of work for about 2 1/2 weeks--he's on vacation! Hopefully lots of cool pics will follow. Stay tuned this weekend for the kiddie pool!
Monday, August 3, 2009
If you blink...

"Hmm, I will just grab this so I can stand up, and then face plant into the seat!" Oops!
**Cool wife update--Big Man's tickets to Michigan for the fantasy football draft have been purchased!**
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Somebody was a little silly during lunch time today!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The good, the bad and the poopy.

Dani, just bouncing and having fun:
Tara came into town for a night so I got to see her last night--always a fun time, always a late night.