Last winter, Dani was too little, and I was too pregnant to really get outside in the snow. But this winter, she's been talking about snowmen and such. FINALLY, we got some snow! I got home Friday and there were just a few inches, but I bundled her up and went outside, in my work dress no less, just to catch the last bit of light so Dani could play.
Here she is trying to throw a snowball I made. She helped me shovel the walk, and did not want to do in. In fact, I had to fireman carry a kicking and screaming Dani inside. She would have played outside for hours if I'd let her.

I promised her that we'd go out this morning, and overnight a few more inches fell. I think we had about 6 inches total. I pulled her on the sled, she ran around, happily falling, eating snow and clapping her snow-filled hands so snow would fly everywhere.

It wasn't great packing snow so we couldn't make a snowman, so we took a sled ride down the street, and then a short walk.

I wised up when I wanted to go inside today. I mentioned that if we went inside she could have a lollipop.
Surprisingly, she was also willing to share the lollipop with Tori.

Here's a short video of Dani that ends abruptly when I realize she needs help getting out of the sled, and I didn't want the camera to get snowy.
I'm already looking forward to the next snow storm!