He thinks that I have cavalierly exposed his personal information to the world. (aka my faithful reader Dad). Although nearly all of the random pieces of information can be googled, I have removed his last name from the blog, in the ONE post from LAST YEAR that mentioned it.
From now on, he will be referred as "the husband formerly known as Wes", or at least until I get tired of typing that. Maybe I can come up with a cool Prince-esque symbol that can be my secret reference to him.
Point of fact. This little cutie pie is definitely not him:
Point of fact. This little cutie pie is definitely not him:

Neither is this, nope, not the husband formerly known as W*s:

(Disclaimer: I got him to concede that little kid pictures were okay. But those aren't him. Really. Just a representative sample of what my blog would be like if I used pictures of him when he was little. Which I didn't. Really.)
Maybe Wes should start his own blog then he will have a forum in which he can express his conerns
I was checking all day yesterday for your reaction to the Obama win. You must have been out in the front yard finally putting up your signs
Good going B!!!!
It's nice to see that very serious comments I made to Bethany were only significant to her as comedic material for her online diary. I didn't think that I had to spell out for her, having known eachother for the better part of two decades, that my personal life is just that, personal, and certainly not something I want broadcast to the world for perpetuity. Additionally, as has already been revealed, I do a very dangerous job each night, dealing with very bad people who dont hesistate to hurt one another, up to the degree of commiting, or attempting to commit, murder. You know, they aren't always happy when I put them on the ground at gunpoint, or when me and my associates kick their door in and drag them off to jail. In my career, I have yet to have the misfortune of encountering someone who I have had professional dealings with on my personal time, and that person having a grudge, but I know plenty of Officers who have. It can be uncomfortable, especially if your family is with you and you are not armed. I never carry off duty. I prefer to avoid the area that I work when I'm off duty. I also helps that if you are a lowlife who reads my nametag and googles my name, all you will come up with is a british blues artist, and the results from track meets I participated in 20 years ago. At least until now.
All threats of violent retaliation on me and my family aside, you would think that it would be enough for a man to say to his wife,"If you want to write a diary and let everyone in the world read it, that's fine, but just leave me out of it." "The Big Man" is all anyone ever needed to know about me. Friends and family know who that refers to, anyone else doesnt need to know.
But it was more fun to make jokes than it was to respect my wishes.
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