Big Man thinks I'm crazy but this whole, "I'm going to have a baby" thing is finally, after all this time, starting to become real. I've talked to lots of moms who have said it was the baby kicks, or the teensie baby clothes at the baby shower that made them finally start to comprehend the impending mommyhood. Not me. It wasn't the shower gifts, or my ever-expanding belly. It happened this morning.
Big Man went to the doctor yesterday and while he was there, scheduled the baby's first appointment for a few days after I get out of the hospital. When I was getting ready for work this morning, I saw the appointment card, sitting in the butler's pantry. The appointment was for Baby McGhee. Baby's first appointment. That did it. I'm having a baby, and that baby already is a busy little thing--her very first appointment is just a few weeks away. That card's going in the baby book for sure.

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