So, I bundle Dani up in her cute little pink snowsuit, put her in the carseat and we are off! I really struggle to carry the carseat; really struggle. When I get done I am sore everywhere, particularly my back. I'm pretty short, don't work out, and have had two abdominal surgeries in the past 12 months, so I'm not exactly the best example of fitness. So, I snap the carseat into the stroller, and wheel on into Target. When I get inside I realize that stroller+cart+two hands=oops. So, I push the stroller with one hand and drag a cart with the other, which works when I am headed in a straight line, but is very difficult otherwise.
I end up pushing the stroller with two hands, hunched over so I can hook my elbow on the front of the cart and drag it kind of along side and behind me. (think Quasimodo without the limp)
As I was in the store, I noticed other mothers with the carseat in the top deck where bigger kids sit. I actually stopped a lady who gave me the "tsk tsk poor new mommy" look, and asked her about the carseat in the top deck, and she showed me it was pretty sturdy, even if the darn thing didn't snap in. (And then I got another look, kind of to say, "I hope your baby's daddy is smarter than you, as it is the only way your baby has a chance to grow up to be anything more than a busboy at a Waffle House") Suffice it to say, I won't be traveling with two things to push in the future, unless daddy's with me.
The saving grace was that Dani did not make a peep in the store; semi-slept the whole time, which is good because if I had had to pick her up, I would have had to abandon my cart and call it a day. Cleanup in aisle 9.........
Just a reminder, when Dani's not happy, ain't nobody happy!

I bought the video 30 Day Shred today and two 3 pound weights. I have lost a bunch of weight; 20 pounds less then when I got pregnant, but I'm feeling a little jiggly, well actually a lot jiggly. Losing 20 extra pounds means essentially that all of my work suits are big on me and loose, so every day I go to work wearing ill-fitting clothing, and it is obvious. Suits are expensive, y'all, so I won't be buying new ones until the old ones no longer stay up without suspenders; and then I will consider suspenders. So I decided I will make an effort (or, most likely not) to do the video in the morning when Dani's still asleep, in an attempt to look more shapely and less like a smaller version of my former stay-puf marshmellow man self.
Let's have a little contest--post a comment and guess how many days it will take before I open the DVD and actually do the video workout. Closest one wins a prize. Yeah, I know I never actually gave out a prize about the baby weight guessing--only Janine and Bill guessed, and I was way too tired to even remember I was supposed to reward them--don't even know who was closer. Anyway, I will do better this time, so take a guess. *Disclaimer--prize may have spitup on it, and also may be the 30 Day Shred video* Don't know who the lady on the video is but she has rockin' abs, and apparently subscribes to the theory that no muscle can be firm enough, but non-muscles should be pumped with silicone to make them bigger and jigglier and poutier. I will settle for less jiggly.
Maybe it's called 30 Day Shred because that's how long it is going to take for me to fish it out of the Target bag?
What's wrong with Waffle House busboy's????:-) I'll race you - see if I can get my fat ass on my treadmill before you open your DVD? Winner buys lunch? See you soon!
hey. i think we all make the stroller/cart mistake at one point in the new-ness of parenthood. it's not like before we had kids we ever NOTICED the car seats in the carts. it's the little things that can make a huge difference that no one thinks to actually TELL you. the cool thing about the carseat/cart combo is when they are awake, the target lights fascinate them. i know, we spent hours at target when the Dictator was an infant.
I always park right next to the cart returns so I can snap the carseat in right there and wheel that heavy thing right into the store!
Some carts/carseats work together beautifully, so the carseat will even SNAP in (same mechanism that snaps it into the car, where you then have to pull the thingie to make it release). Others, it just sits securely but not actually latched. And a FEW, it won't balance and you have to put it in the big part of the cart---but then you have the small child-seat part (and sometimes a rack below) for purchases. Plus you can squeeze things in around the baby.
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