I went shopping with my friend Debby on Sunday and bought a springy new coat. Now all I need is spring! Big Man's sleeping so the hanger is my model tonight. Probably the only perk of this craptastic economy is that stores are practically paying you to take stuff.

Dani's been super crabby at night, just in time for my time with her. Last night Big Man was home and we could not identify the source of the screaming. Baby Gas-X didn't help, nor did burping. I basically hog-tied her with my hands, so that Big Man could break out the lube and take her rectal temp. (Was she hot from screaming, or from a fever we wondered?) Turns out no fever but gave her some infant tylenol just to be safe. Do you know they tell you not to use vaseline but to use lube, like the grown up sex kind to take a baby's rectal temp? So, uh, we, uh, had to get some, for, uh, the baby. But if when we are preoccupied with a fussy baby, what if we leave the tube of astroglide out, and the lady who watches Dani one day per week, or our friends, or anyone sees it on, say, the mantel of the fireplace (near the changing table), we are really going to be sending out a kinkier message than I'm comfortable with, but I digress. These are the things I think about when the kid's sleeping.
God bless the swing. As my friend Jessie so aptly termed it, "it's the silver bullet for the sleep-resistant child". Give my lil' screamer a swaddle, a suckie, and a swing, and all is right with the world. Meanwhile, I'm wishing it was 1950 and I could just go to the doctor and get some of "mommy's little helper" because dayum folks, I am a walking, talking zombie. And barely walking at that because the 30 day shred kicked my ass. Well it kicked my thighs--they are so sore it hurts to walk up the stairs!
Things that suck today:
Memory stick is fried. Bye bye edited photos I never uploaded to order online yet...
I have to go to Long Island for depositions in a case next week. Scheduled it for the wrong day, and will have to stay overnight on Tuesday, a night Big Man is scheduled to work. Oops. Can't fix it.
If I didn't have a sleeping baby and husband, I'd drive to burger king and get me some of those little sliders that they just came out with that come in a little baby shirt box. Had them once, and they were good. Yummy yum yum. But, not good enough to bundle up the screamer and put her in a carseat to get them. And Big Man is sleeping. Maybe another day.
Tara is coming to visit me (well if you want to get technical, her family, but she's going to see me too) this weekend. People, I love her like a sis--in fact, I've waited to have a cosmo since I've had the baby because I'm drinking my first (and second, and third) with her. Saturday. Sweet Jesus may time fly!
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