Tonight, they met again. Older and wiser, perhaps. Captain Caveman toddler, stocky, but shorter than Dani...and soft. Her mom told me she had a pair of baby high heels. Yep. Baby high heels. Dani, who spends days with her daddy learning lots of skills, which do not include walking in heels, but may include football moves, was ready for some fun.
There were two big balls in the yard. It was a beautiful afternoon. There were two toddlers. One would think two toddlers, two balls, perfect...or so we thought.

Dani had one of the balls.

Captain Caveman toddler wanted Dani's ball. Captain Caveman toddler took Dani's ball and made her fall down go boom.

Dani, lighter, faster, smarter, took the ball back with her superior agility and ran with it.

Round 2: Dani wins.
Score: Dani 1; Captain Caveman toddler 1.
In all honesty.........when they weren't chasing after balls, they were eating goldfish, and running around and having a blast. Dani shared her sippy cup, and they fed each other goldfish--at one moment they were feeding each other goldfish and it was like a wedding scene (and of course my camera batteries died!) where the bride and groom feed each other at the same time.
Dani's rarely around other toddlers, and the 6 month age difference is so much less noticeable after the age of one (and when one of the kids is a caveman). She's going to love her little sis.
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