We had a busy weekend--from a Friday night wedding at Beardslee Castle--outside ceremony and reception with mosquitos so thick you could grab them out of the air--even the wedding party was swatting. It was a cop wedding--so lots of shaved heads--which were covered in bites/welts after a short time. After the ceremony, we learned that the cocktail hour was outside too...........AH! I kept Big Man's blazer on the whole time, and the bartenders had bug spray, so we all sprayed down, because it was brutal. Today, I look like I have the chicken pox--it's that bad--red dots all over my legs, feet and ankles.
It was a very nice affair, nonetheless. As my faithful blog readers know (Dad), Big Man won't let me post his pic to the blog...so Facebook friends who don't realize that I don't type the notes in Facebook...this is why you don't see his face...because it is here on my blog.

We got home late Friday night, and got up early on Saturday so we could get ready for Big Man's family to come visit. Brothers and wives and kids and such came for the weekend to hang out, and to watch the Bears game!

Dani had a blast with her twin cousins, Jason and Justin. But, she loooooved her Uncle Ronnie. She's always been attached to him, even as a little bitty thing. After they left last night, and all day and night today, she kept saying, "Uncle Ronnie" and pointing to "Uncle Ronnie's chair" which was where he sat at the dining room table.

Dani just had a blast!
And she even got to play with the 'mote! And the Bears beat the Cowboys! It was a great weekend!
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