Santa came early. Santa, this year was one of my bestest buddies from college, Chang. Last night we came home to this huge box, delivered from Sears. Unfortunately, it came without the second page of the pack slip, and we had no idea who it was from. I called Sears, and believe it or not, they couldn't track the order by recipient, so they were just like, yup, someone sent you a huge gift, but you will never know who it is because we are incompetent schmos. So, Big Man and I brainstormed, and decided it was either Chang or one of our other pals, who has also sent some huge kid gifts in the past. I called Chang and emailed the other guy (who probably now thinks I was shamelessly fishing for toys for my kids) and Chang fessed up. Stupid Sears. Funny thing is that today, we got something from Best Buy with gift cards in it, with NO gift note either. So I had to call Best Buy and say, someone just sent me a crapload of giftcards, but I have no idea who. They were able to look it up, and so I learned it was Chang again!
I am now trying to convince Big Man that we should name baby 3 Chang. At least for the middle name. Don't you think that Tommy Chang would be a kick ass baby name? I do. Big Man just shakes his head.
Anyway, because we are the coolest parents in the world, we decided that we could have an indoor playground for the winter, so Dani woke up to this:

It was a big hit. Tonight, she was even letting her stuffed animals have rides down the slide.

She's just getting so big. I told her that we were going to have another baby, and she kissed my tummy and said "hi baby". We also drove around to see holiday lights tonight, and she really enjoyed it, shouting out colors and saying "Santa", "snowman" and everything else she saw.

Oh, and lest I forget, the other one...Tori. She has decided that at less than 8 months old, she can do this:

Yes, that would be pull herself up to standing without help. She's trying so hard to catch up to Dani. Every minute the two of them are together is laughing, squealing, screeching and just chasing each other around. It's adorable, even if it does induce mommy-headaches.
And, while I'm still bitching about mass retailers and their holiday failings. A big thumbs down to . I ordered a super cool gift for Big Man, and they sent it today with a window envelope that displayed exactly what was in the box. So the rare Dr. Who video, is no longer a surprise. Thanks amazon, for nothing.
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