I came home from work tonight to this:

I immediately pegged it to be the hijinks of my pal Chang, who is famous for sending us goodies from Chicago. Over the years, he's sent us everything from deep dish pizza to cheesecake. God bless dry ice!
However, the not-so-little box containing Chicagoey goodness was not from Chang, although definitely inspired by Chang. The big man decided he wanted to replicate the tasty goodness of his home town, and bought himself some Vienna Beef products, including Italian Beef kits and Polishes (sausages), and I think hot dogs too. All to be washed down with Old Style, which traveled here in the form of a 30-pak in the trunk of the Caddy from his last Chicago trip. He wouldn't let me take a picture of him wearing his Cubs hat, drinking an Old Style and eating an Italian Beef, so this was the best I could do. I would have happily been the model if (a) I had felt like eating any of it; and (b) I wasn't already makeup-free and in my jammies, feeling blah.

**Although these photos look like they were taken with my $4.99 digital camera, they were actually taken by the new camera, by a girl who didn't read the manual to understand the settings...
I can understand why the big man wouldn't want his photo on the internet, (as I have no photos of me on my blog) but it would have been an AWESOME shot if you got some "unknown" model to wear the had, hold a beer and give a big thumbs up with the other hand.
Great idea! I totally should have posed with the Italian Beef. I'll be sure to don the cubs hat and hold an Old Style and Polish as soon as the big man cooks them! You rock!
Is Old Style Beer? I just thought.. what if it is root beer?
Old Style is not only beer, its the official beer of the Chicago Cubs!
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