Big Man may never return this dog. It already has a nickname, has been fed some roast, and has a spot on the couch right next to Big Man, where the cats are generally not allowed.
Before I'd even arrived home, Big Man took pictures of said dog. Big. Man. let. the. dog. lick. his. face. Unheard of! Big Man took this one:

The man who generally doesn't let me take too many photos was happy to pose with the pup: 

The dog's name is Bettis, as Marjorie's a huge Steelers fan. Big Man is calling the dog Butkus, as he's a Bears fan, and says the pup would look better in a Bears jersey, instead of the Steelers jersey he came over with.
Again, I am laughing so hard I'm crying with Big Man's altered photo to protect the privacy policy! Where on earth did you find that??
New baby, new puppy?????? Perhaps! What do the cats think of their visiting canaine friend???
just some creative clip art.
Puppy makes me sneeze; lots of benadryl coursing through my system.
Cats are plotting revenge.
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