(line made famous by Butterfly McQueen who played Prissy in Gone With The Wind)
So, I signed us up for birthing/baby classes today! It's a 5 week class, every Tuesday starting on 11/11. I will miss the last class as it's the day of my scheduled c-section. It is supposed to get you ready for baby, and is just a few blocks down the street at the conveniently located hospital where I won't be having my baby. Big Man is not thrilled, but agrees to come to the first class for now.
Picked up the PS3 for the Big Man last night in a raging snowstorm. Yes, snow in October, wheee! He was pleased, and generously suggested that I call the local hospital's pediatric unit to see if we could donate his PS2 and games for the kiddies.
You caved! Sucka!!! You fell under the spell of that Conservative conclave just down the street from you - they're a McCain/Palin lovin' group, you know! Listen to me, I sound as bitter as the McCain campaign!
ooooooo... can you play Madden '09 online against people, say, in California?
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