Today began well--Big Man took the baby downstairs and I slept until 10:15am.
It's amazing how fast the days fly by. We are getting pounded with snow. I have been managing to do some legal work on certain files in the beginning part of the day, and the rest is reserved for just being a mom (and wife).
Wrapped some presents, trying to make the house look festive, and nice, because holy crap, it's Christmas next week! And, someone is coming to see the house on Monday--I told our realtor to explain that we have a not-yet two week old baby and the potential purchasers will just have to envision the house without baby clutter.
I went into the attic today to dig out my baby book to compare newborn Dani to newborn B. The results:

All babies kind of look alike, so I'd say the jury's still out on this one.
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