(Stewart, that is.) We went to Eagle Mills, had some warm cider and donuts, and bought some apples. Then, my domestic gene kicked in and I baked this. And yes, I used a cookie cutter to cut out dough hearts for the top. I really did read that in Martha Stewart Living, but it looked a little nicer in the magazine.

Dani was too little to do much there, but she tried some donut and cider, and just enjoyed the pretty fall weather.

I'm feeling much better. And a shout out to the Target pharmacy. I filled my antibiotic prescription there, and it was the first time I'd ever used their pharmacy. Today the pharmacist called me to confirm that I was feeling better, and to ask if I had questions, and finally to remind me to take all of the antibiotics, even if I feel better. Although I knew all that, it was very nice to get the call from them. I <3 Target!
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