We are getting the hang of this two kid thing Well, Big Man probably had the hang of it the whole time, but I'm feeling, finally, like I'm getting the hang of it..

Tonight, Dani, Tori and I went to David and Gail's for a little trampoline and outside time. (It helps to have a better adult:toddler/baby ratio than me alone!). But first, Tori tried out her exersaucer. It seems to be the only baby contraption she doesn't hate. Her arms were a little short to reach the toys, but she enjoyed it, and Dani stood outside it playing with her.

I let Dani hold her own banana tonight, and surprisingly, it went pretty well. I shot a quick video of she and Tori while she ate it.
That's the haps here. Tori's sleeping pretty well at night; if I give her a bottle around 11pm, she's good until at least 6am on most nights. Keeping my fingers crossed!
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