I haven't posted in awhile because I've been busy being a big sister. It sure is work. Mommy and daddy expect me to be a helper, and that means that I have to take Tori's diapers and put them in the garbage. Mommy and daddy have a special garbage can just for me to put the diapers in. When I do it they clap for me, and give me high fives. It's fun, enough I guess, since it is work, after all.

Tori's getting so big. When she first came here, she was just a boring, screamy baby. She has gotten so much bigger. She's still kinda screamy, and is always stealing mommy and daddy's attention, but she does neat stuff too. She smiles and screeches and waves her arms at me. And, if I make faces at her she laughs. That's kind of cute. But, mommy keeps letting Tori hold my old toys. She doesn't seem to understand that they are MINE. I might not have played with them that much lately, but that doesn't mean that Tori can just have them. It's just not fair.
Tonight, it was the worst. Mommy let Tori have tummy time on my ducky pillow. The pillow even has my name on it. Well, it has part of my name. My name's Dani, and that's D, then A, then N, then I. This pillow has D, then A, then N, then I, then E, then L, then another L, then an E. I don't know what a Danielle is, but I know that it's my pillow, and Tori drooled all over it. That's yucky.

Mommy took some video of Tori on my pillow tonight. I know mommy's a lawyer, and I am going to hope that some of her friends who read this blog are too.
Hey, mommy's lawyer friends, don't I have rights to my ducky pillow? Can I get an order of protection against Tori so she won't drool all over it? Should I get daddy's cuffs and put them on Tori? Or maybe on mommy because she took my property and gave it to Tori? I don't have that much money, but I have a piggy bank in my room--you can have it if you will help.
I give you, Dani's Video Exhibit A: mommy steals Dani's pillow (and gives it to Tori, her accomplice--does that make it a conspiracy?):
If you are willing to take my case, let me know--you can have the piggy bank, I promise. Uh, oh. Mommy's coming so I have to go. Bye bye!
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