Days before kindergarten started for Dani, we got the call: our city would offer full-day Pre-K...but since the funding was new, the pre-k students would not start for a week or two while the district figured out the logistics.
So, Dani started kindergarten! Tori was a bit bummed that she could not yet RIDE. THE. BUS. TO SCHOOL.
But Dani was stoked...with her light up Mario back pack.
Ten days later, it was time for Tori to go to school too! A whole day means that she rides the bus with Dani and gets to do big kid things, like pack a lunch and forego naps! Tommy looks excited in this picture but is woefully lost without the girls around.
Dani was so excited for Tori's first day, that they agreed to dress the same! And, every day that week they wanted to be "twinsies", wearing the same clothes to school. Dani was lecturing Tori about the importance of listening to the teacher, and behaving on the bus.
Tori, meanwhile, had been dreaming about riding the school bus since she saw Dani do it a year ago!
She mounted the stairs of the bus, with nary a look back.
Peeked outside the window, and started her journey.