Sunday, October 25, 2015

Summertime...and the pics got lost?

We had an AMAZING summer!
Learned a lesson though: I need to stop relying on my cell phone to take our family photos!  Unfortunately, this fall my cell phone needed to be replaced, and the new version has no SD card, so I didn't have the store move my old pictures to the new phone.
Fast forward to tonight, and there's about a three month gap in photos on my laptop.  So, as I try to resurrect the old phone to get the summer pics, I will have to fast forward to September.
EVERYBODY's in school!  Our district has full-day Pre-K, so even Tommy is out the door at 8am, returning around 3:30pm.  This means that Wes FINALLY gets some sleep!  This transition has been wonderful for us--no more rushing home on certain nights so that Wes can go right to sleep.  It's both of us, nearly every night, having a family dinner, helping with homework, and just spending time with the kids as a family.

 Do you think Tommy was a little excited for his first day of school?
 Like last summer, Grandma and Grandpa came to NY for an extended stay and we took the family pilgrimage to Charlestown, RI.  Only this year, all three kids stayed in the RV with the grandparents, meaning that Wes and I had a hotel room to ourselves, every night!  No little people waking up in the middle of the night, or waking us up at the crack of dawn.  It was heaven.
 And I'm happy to report that my parents are still the most fun grandparents ever!

 The kids were big fans of Grandpa's bike.

It was a summer of fun, friends, family, sunshine and love.

Graduations and birthdays!

 Tori finished Pre-K this year.  There was a packed house for her moving up ceremony.
She was super excited to see us, but a little shy and nervous during the songs.

 Tommy was excited to visit the school, as he will be right behind her this fall, headed to Pre-K.
 And in August, little dude turned 4.  He requested a Hot Wheels cake, and daddy did not disappoint.
 I think he was a little excited about his cake.

Happy birthday, Tommy!

June travels.

 In June, we took a trip to Chicago for my 20th college reunion.  I hadn't been back since Dani was 6 months it had sure been a while.  It was so awesome to be back in a big city and to see great old friends, and enjoy all of the cool things Chicago has to offer.
Navy Pier and the Chicago skyline.

 One of my best friends from college, Chang, spent tons of time with us.
 The kids had a blast with Uncle Chang!
 We rode a trolley.
 Enjoyed some Mexican food in the sun.
 Rode the rides.
 And enjoyed a wonderful reunion with my old besties!
 I'm sure not going to wait another 6 years to go back!