Sunday, March 11, 2012

Outside, Outside! Outside everybody, Outside!

Poor Tommy--he had his first two trips outside this weekend; Saturday was windy and cold, and I put him on the swing to get some fresh air.  He was not a fan of being bundled up and swung.

Fast forward one day.  It's 60 degrees and we don't even need coats.  So we take the posse to the playground.  At 12:45pm, we step onto the playground and are the only 5 people there.  Literally, within 5 minutes, there were 15 kids who showed up with their families and the place was hopping.
 We swung. We ran.  We played.  Even Big Man chatted with other parents. 
The only awkward moment was when Tori walked up to someone else's daddy and hugged his leg and wouldn't let go.  I was standing there telling her it wasn't daddy and we needed to go, but she was clinging on to this tall man.  He was there with his kids so seemed used to random toddler attention.  Tommy just chilled in his carseat, and when he got bored, I walked him around and he loved watching Dani and Tori.

We had to drag them off the playground for lunch and naps.  It's nice that it's only a few blocks away so we can go back a lot!

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