Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winding down the weekend.

Our local Grandma Emeritus, Debi, came by today with an adorable sweater for Dani. It's hand knit and has a great little lamb!
It's been a nice, long weekend. Today, Aunt Renny, Uncle John and I went to visit my Great Aunt Virginia in an Albany nursing home so she could meet Dani. Aunt Virginia is my Dad's aunt, and is a nun; she never lived in the area until she stopped teaching, but it's nice to have her close by. I'm pretty sure she's in her mid 90's.

She was excited to see Dani, as were all the ladies on her floor!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas fun!

Somebody loved Dave & Gail's fish tank!

And Dani had lots of fun with cousin Shannon!

Dani found a flash light and, if she could talk, would have told some hella scary ghost stories!

Group photo of Uncle John, Aunt Renny, Leigh and Dani.
Merry Christmas all!

Dani banana 12-24-09.

I promised Grandpa and Grandma I'd put some video from yesterday up so they could see what Dani's been up to. This one's a little long but captures the latest Dani-isms.

Looking forward to going to David & Gail's in a little while. Shannon got a new kitten, and Dani will be very excited to play with a pet that doesn't know better than to let her maul it!

Merry Christmas!

I promised Grandma and Grandpa that they would get to see some Christmas pictures of Dani since they aren't here! We did Christmas Eve at our house, and the family came over, along with some friends.Dani was ready to party and kept everyone entertained!

Dani loved her plush football which makes chimey music when you throw it.
And, she swiped Daddy's new Superman hat.
A very Merry Christmas to all!

Monday, December 21, 2009

First Christmas present!

Dani got a box! Woo hoo!Chang sent her an awesome riding giraffe that plays games!
She was a little scared of sitting on the bike seat, but loved the lights and sounds.

First present of the season! Thanks Chang! We love and miss you!

Friday, December 18, 2009

New baby update: we seen no peen.

Actual text I sent to Big Man this afternoon: "your sperm have failed me".
Well dear reader (dad), we have news. It's not as good as I'd hoped, but we had the 20 week ultrasound today. This is the 3-d profile of the baby--nose pointing to the right.

Apparently, I'm going to be giving birth to a hairless cat! Below, a newborn Sphynx, or hairless cat.

I can't really tell the difference.

Oh, but you're probably reading because you want to know the gender. In the event the title of the post didn't clue you in, it's a girl. No peen to be seen.

Honestly, I'm pretty bummed. I was sure it was a boy. The psychic Gail and I went to last week said it was a boy. Big Man was meant to have a boy! Yes, healthy baby most important, blah, blah, blah, blah. But two girls? Sounds like purgatory after about age 6. Big Man predicts another "Bethany junior". Be afraid. Be very afraid.

We need a name, 'cause I think if we stick with Tommy, she'd have some issues.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Vital stats.

Dani's one year doctor's visit was today.
19 pounds, 6 ounces.
28 1/2 inches long.

She had some fun with her walker tonight.

I've spent the last two hours wrapping christmas presents to ship....still not done.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Dani tricks.

Dani, or Quasimodo. Love my little ogre face!
Fun day today.
Big Man likes to play a game with Dani, where he clucks like a chicken, and then Dani tries to find her stuffed chicken. She was a little distracted tonight but it was funny nonetheless.

Big Man has tonight off, and was home last night, so we had a great family day. He cooked a big ol' breakfast, we watched tons of football and played with Dani. She is so much fun! I made a kick ass roast in my new roaster tonight!

Mmmmm, iced coffee.

We don't typically let Dani have caffeinated beverages, but she flips for straws. She saw me with my (low caf) iced coffee from Stewart's, and had to try some. I'm impressed by her use of the straw.

Big Man's home tonight, so we are spending the day snuggling on the couch watching football.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

So Big!

Dani's having lots of fun with her first baby doll--from Tara--designed so she can get some practice for her little sib...

We took some video of our big girl tonight, especially for Grandpa who is home recovering from eye surgery.

Dani's gotten really good with a fork. Of course we put the food on it first because we aren't keen on cleaning up messes. She's enjoying some eggs for dinner.

She's teething like crazy but is still the happiest, most playful baby ever. There are two more coming in on top and two more on the bottom. She was so giggly today I called Grandpa and great-Grandma so they could hear Dani laugh! Big Man's off for the next two nights so looking forward to some family time.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Dani!

My big girl's 1 today! How the time flies! It's been the most wonderful, exhausting, emotional, fulfilling year of my life.
She was a little small for her new walker/rider...but managed with Daddy's help! Here's the not so messy post-cake baby. I've been trying for hours to upload the videos of her with the cake but blogger won't let me. I've been having an impossible time uploading videos lately....grrrr.
My sweet little baby had a fun day! She got lots of neat presents--grandma and grandpa sent a new musical toy--we've been listening to the same ones forever--what a godsend! And Tara--she loooooooves the baby doll!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Grrrrrrrrrrr. Just felt like growling.

Things are back to normal here in the B household--I think that the arriving at the decision about the baby was the hardest part; now that it's made, things are back on track.
Although, Gail and I are going to a long-awaited appointment with a psychic tomorrow night, and I told Big Man that if she says anything about the baby that is concerning (and I swear I won't ask) that the amnio might be back on the table. This confirmed his belief that I'm a dumbass.
This little munchkin is turning 1 on Wednesday!
She's popping teeth like crazy and is getting better at the whole walking thing. Tomorrow, Big Man is working on the super-secret baby birthday cake project...and Dani got lots of birthday mail today!

Can't wait to see what she does with the cake!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Good vibes, please?

We just got through a rough couple of days. On Monday afternoon I got the call from the doctor.

They never call for anything good. My bloodwork came back at elevated risk for Down's Syndrome, and could I come in the following day to talk to the doctor and for another ultrasound and amnio so we could decide what to do? GULP.

Enter an evening of crying B, rational Big Man, and lots of fear. He thinks I should get the amnio, I don't think I should, because I think we might have different opinions on what to do if it comes back positive. I feel awful at the idea of potentially choosing to terminate a pregnancy, when I lost one in the second trimester on the first try.

We talk. I cry. We hug and sleep on it. I head to work in the morning, and Big Man picks me up for the appointment. On the way down in the car, I tell him I've thought alot and I think we should do the amnio. He says he thought alot, and did some research and thinks we shouldn't. It was like that scene in Grease when Danny turns geeky and Sandy turns slutty thinking it's what the other one wants.

We talk about the risk of amnio causing a miscarriage. We talk about people we know of who have gotten false positives. We have an ultrasound, and there are no obvious physical indicators--although Down's is the least likely to show them. We were hoping to get a peek at the baby's gender but baby wasn't having any of that. Baby was curled up in a ball hoping it wouldn't get poked with a needle soon.

We talk to the doc. Apparently given my advanced maternal age, my risk for Downs should be 1:260. It's 1:160. The chance of the amnio causing a miscarriage is 1:250.

We decide against the amnio. The doc tells us we have a couple of weeks within which we can change our minds before it's too late. We talk on the way home, and I'm worried about having a baby with Down's, but I'm also worried that I could miscarry what we hope is a healthy baby boy.

We decide that we can live with a 1:160 chance, because it's better than the other alternatives. So, I will think positive thoughts and will try not to let this be a cloud hanging over this pregnancy.

Meanwhile, in happier news, Dani said "apple" today. Not to me, of course but at least Big Man told me about it.
And, little miss is going to be 1 in a week.

Senator Gillibrand!

US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Tonko made a stop at city hall this Saturday. I to spend a few minutes with them and the Mayor.
As you can see, I'm already rockin' the baby belly. Only 140 days to go!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

You can thank me later, Spidey... a Dani guest post.

Hey Peter, my shiny new baby cousin, Dani here. Wanted to let you know that I saw the pictures of you and Grandma and Grandpa. Looks like you had a good time. Just thought I'd let you know that you owe me one.
You see, I taught them everything they know about being grandparents. I know, I came first so it was my job to break them in. You're welcome.
Here, I'm showing Grandma how to snuggle me to sleep. She obviously showed this move to Grandpa. Looks like you enjoyed it.
Here, I'm showing Grandpa how to properly hold up a baby for a photo op.
I showed Grandma too, and she's showing off her skills on you. Nice mug!
I can tell you are enjoying Grandpa's snuggle move.Yep, I taught him. It took him a couple tries on the recliner before he was ready to try it on the big couch all by himself!

Ah yes, my best work...the double grandparent baby hug pose.

Grandma and Grandpa mixed it up and switched places with you:

You can just pay me back when I meet you. Just let me pick out one of your toys or something? Anyway Pete, I'm sure looking forward to meeting're my first cousin! Plus, I'm going to be a big sister soon! I still didn't meet your mom and dad yet, but I hope to soon!
Love, Dani.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving.

Great day! Dani ate tons!
I'm thankful for everything in my life. Big Man. Dani. Family.
Football. Christmas lights that are now ON!

Full tummy.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just for Grandpa.

Grandpa's a little upset that there have been no new photos in a week. No excuses here, just lazy!

Here's a couple videos to keep you entertained, Dad!

This kiddo is so close to walking! Big Man has secured the door because it became Dani's obsession!

My friend, Kristen, told me that shredded cheese was a great snack to feed babies. Her 1 year old loves it. She didn't tell me, and I never considered, what an awful mess it would make. But Dani loved it. Like crack for babies. Made me wish I had a dog to lick up the mess!

Stay tuned for a Dani guest post coming soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Swing shift.

Big Man is back to working overnights. That means I'm flying solo in the evenings while he sleeps, so I anticipate a return to more frequent posting. And, it appears that Big Man is back into picture taking mode, as I found a few on the camera tonight!
We are seriously days away from walking. Dani is in full launch mode. She will pull herself up on anything, and when you won't hold her hands, she will just let go and walk as far as she can before sitting on her butt. She loves the newfound vantage point of being on her feet, and is clearly excited by the ability to grab things that are near or over her head, which was okay when she found the diapers, but not so good when she started grabbing books and pictures while on her tippy toes! She doesn't even have to see what she is grabbing--will just reach up and swipe an arm to see what might be there. Not so sure what to do about the Christmas tree, and well, EVERYTHING else in our house that is 36 inches or less off the floor! I asked Big Man's mom what she did when he was small, and she said that he just didn't mess with stuff. Big shock there--even as a toddler, Big Man employed the powers of reason and rationality!

When Dani was little, we did some things (to be honest it was mostly Big Man), or I guess we let her do some things because they were cute. First, if she made a little cough, Big Man would cough back. Lesson learned = mommy and daddy think this noise is good. Thus, the game began. Dani has now upped the ante to make full on coughing fits at dinner because she thinks its funny, meanwhile I'm clipping articles in Parents magazine about babies and choking and what to do. Not such a good move on our part there. Even better--the biting! I've posted many videos of Dani using her fingers to move her lips to make funny sounds--she likes when we do it to her, and she will swipe at our lips so we can make the same sound with her help. With Big Man, she would let him move her lips a few times, and then would chomp his finger--to his giggle and silly response of "Ouch!" Lesson learned= it's fun to bite. Dani will now walk up to you and open her mouth and put it on whatever is closest--your leg, arm, etc. She doesn't really bite down, but she clearly has the idea that this is a good thing to do. The kid has a shirt little fuse, as many of you know, so, for example, when you pick her up when she doesn't want you to, you get limp baby, and sometimes, screeching limp baby, just to make it harder for you to enforce your will. Tonight, I got whining, limp baby, who tried to bite my arm when I picked her up. She was pulling books out of the bookshelf, and really didn't want to stop. Fun times.

She's going to be 1 in three weeks. 1! Holy crap, where does the time go? Anyone have any fun ideas?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho!

I put up our Christmas lights today. They aren't plugged in yet, but I'm really tempted. Big Man thinks I'm crazy. I'm just excited about Christmas this year. I put some lights indoors, and Dani just gets so excited looking at them. She's going to be a lot of fun. Last year, we had Dani on December 9th, so the tree never actually got decorated; Big Man put lights on it before I went to the hospital, but the only ornaments went up were the two "Baby's First Christmas" ornaments that people sent to us!

Looking for some Christmas card inspiration....ideas anyone?

Grandma got home to Chicago safe and sound.

Big Man has one more night off, and then, after three weeks of working days, he goes back to nights. It was nice having him home for such a long stretch, but the cats look forward to sleeping on the bed again! Dani likes to open and close the doors to her playroom, which was once in our cooler, social, childless days, our formal dining room.
Dani has become SO FUN! She's trying so hard to walk. Big Man and I sit about 4 feet from each other and hold on to her, and she laughs while lunging/walking back and forth between us. And everything makes her laugh--big, huge belly laughs which are the best!

I'm stinking up the joint in my fantasy football league last week and this week. I'm still in second place, but barely...meh. Stupid Bears. Stupid Jay Cutler.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back to normal.

All is well in the B home. Dani's back to normal! No more baby puking! Woo hoo!

It's been a hectic week. I got thrashed in the football pool this week (3-9). Big Man's mom is still here, spending the day with Dani! Actually brought work home tonight, so will hope to post updates and pics over the weekend.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The good, the bad and the pukey.

Rough week, peeps. Dani's sick. Considering the fact that she is 11 months old and this is the first time she's been really sick, we lucked out, because IT SUCKS!
Sick Dani:
We called the doctor at 4:45am Saturday when her temperature hit 103.7. The doctor, or actually, the snarky PA, was unconcerned, and told us to to alternate Tylenol and Motrin until it went down. Luckily, some baby Tylenol lowered it, but she's been pretty feverish on and off since Friday. Pukey too. She's really not eating or drinking much, and has not kept down solid food since Friday. She is still trying to be happy and playful, but is struggling. And puking. Did I mention that I've been puked on three times today?

And it's really hard for me because she's so miserable, and doesn't want water, or juice, or pedialyte (which tastes like ass anyway) or popsicles, or anything I try to give her, and you can't force a baby to drink. Trust me on that one.
Dani, putting on a brave face for grandma:
Big Man's family came in from Connecticut yesterday, to see us and his mom, who is here until was just too bad that Dani wasn't feeling better.

Justin reads Dani a book yesterday afternoon.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How'd my little brother make a baby this cute?

(Probably because his wife's a hottie.)

Introducing my nephew, Peter Parker Schu...who is extra cool because he has spidey senses.
I had almost forgotten how cute newborns are--almost makes me want another one, but oops, I'm already halfway there!
Congrats to Todd and Amy! Love you guys.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tasty candy and a visit from Grandma.

Grandma came to visit on Saturday and she's staying for two weeks! Big Man's working the day shift for 3 weeks, so he is home every night which is awesome! Dani's having lots of fun.
Reason 1,945 why Big Man rules:
I told him I was craving Good n Fruity candy but was having trouble finding it in the store, and only saw yucky old Good n Plenty. So, this box arrived in the mail today:
