Saturday, April 19, 2008

Feeling domestic

I've felt like cooking lately. Had two couples over for dinner last weekend and cooked all day. To the point where I softened butter, put it in my pampered chef gun and made butter flowers for each individual bread plate???

Tonight two more couples are coming over for dinner. I shopped yesterday and planned the menu, but now am reconsidering my thought not to make a cheesecake and may head back to the store to get the supplies???

I can't explain it, because I'm like a walking zombie energy-wise. Was up late (and still managed to wake up at 6:30am) finishing a Jodi Picoult book (Salem Falls) which was the third of hers I've read, and the first one where the ending didn't totally piss me off. I have two more to read (midway through Plain Truth which I was reading for a library fundraiser I was scheduled to be in a discussion panel for, I ordered 4 more of her books from Amazon, before I decided that the formulaic nature and predictable endings pissed me off. Last night's book was pretty good though--it had some characters from earlier books nicely woven in, and an ending that didn't anger me (although it was no surprise). Seriously though, I can't believe they are all best sellers, they are the most predictible books ever! Well written, and researched, but oh, so predictable.

I'll probably read the last two, and then take a Picoult break--no more purchases, maybe borrow them at the 'brary, if I get desperate.

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