Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Digging out of the hole.

It's been a rough stretch for us. Big Man was sick, and then I was sick. Fortunately, Dani managed to not get sick which is key. But, working opposite shifts and chasing a baby around is not easy!

Dani's still mainly eating baby food, but we are working in the real food at dinnertime each night. She sits with us, and I share my dinner with her. Tonight, she was enjoying cheesy rice, cornbread and peas. Here's some dinnertime silly:

It's just amazing how fast she's growing and learning. She's dying to walk and talk, now letting go of the things she pulls herself up on and babbling constantly, and some of the babble is starting to sound like words!

I can't believe how much I am really enjoying just being Dani's mom. She is just the cutest, happiest baby ever. (And I'm sure every mom thinks the same about her kid, but I'm right!)

Feeling much worse with this pregnancy than with the last. Queasier. Walking allergy attack. But, looking very forward to the, oh, 199 or so days until I'm done!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This just in--

--Dani said "kitty".
She doesn't call me mama, nor Big Man dada, but when you flip in one of her books to the baby with the kittens, she will say kitty! What a great first word!
She won't do it in front of Big Man, so he keeps making references to my singing frog.
Tara came to visit and Dani had tons of fun! She loves the upside down baby toss!

Dani rockin' her Thor t-shirt:
She's climbing everything--this is the recliner's back. Kid has no fear.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Judicial Nominating Convention.

This is Dani's tough political boss look:

The Democrats in the 4th Judicial District had their Judicial Nominating Convention to put candidates on the ballot for Supreme Court Justice. I'm a delegate, and so I brought Dani so Big Man could rest; he's got a bad cold.

The Democratic candidates will be Barry Kramer of Schenectady and Brian Stewart of Malone.
Brian Stewart is a big hit in the under 2 demographic:

Picked up pumpkins at a farm stand on the way home. Getting excited about Halloween and Dani's many costumes!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baby blobs for Obama!

At the Obama event on Monday, I managed to capture just a little bit of video--lifting my arm over my head wasn't really conducive to good picture quality, so it's short.

As this health care debate rages on, I need to weigh in for just a moment. We need a public option for health care. As I sat in the waiting room at my OB's office today, it occurred to me that the entire cost that I will incur for this pregnancy (barring trips to the ER which are a $50 copay) is $15.00. Yep, that's $15.00. This includes every doctor's visit, ultrasound, blood test, etc., including the c-section and stay at the hospital. Pretty good deal, I'd say.

What if I didn't have health insurance, and I was so (gasp!) irresponsible to get pregnant? Clearly, that's what the right would have you believe, that it would be an act of irresponsibility. If I couldn't qualify income-wise for Medicaid, I probably wouldn't be going to the doctor regularly, couldn't afford many of the tests, and my health and possibly my baby's would be at risk. I know people who have had thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs associated with hospital stays and pregnancies, and they have insurance. The US is the only developed country in the world where people declare bankruptcy due to medical bills. Small businesses can barely afford to pay for insurance; I had a potential client in my office yesterday who was paying about $600 per month for insurance for he and his spouse, and it is now going up to nearly $900; he's almost 3 years from being old enough for Medicare, and, due to the economic downturn, is living on his $1200 social security check; he's going to spend the next 3 years uninsured; at the age of 63. Where's he going to get a job with benefits in this economy and at his age? He ain't.

If my insurance cost more so others could have it, I would pay more.

If I had to wait a little longer to see my doctor for non-emergent care, I would wait.

Health care for every American is the right thing to do.

Here's my little pro-Obama baby blob, age 8 weeks. He wants me to let everyone know that he supports the public option too and thinks that if people can say that the right to bear arms is a constitutional requirement, then so is health care as it is part of providing for the general welfare (see the preamble mo fo.)

On a lighter note, somebody's got 4 teeth:

(and it's not mommy, she has a few more than that.)

Monday, September 21, 2009


President Obama was in the region today, and I scored a last minute ticket. I've been at events with former presidents, and with the sitting vice president, but never the president. Jill Biden and President Obama came together, and my former employer, Congressman Tonko got to ride with them on Air Force One. I took some video, but am way too tired to post it. More tomorrow.
I totally had camera envy today--I want a better camera! Need more zoom! Here's a grainy photo, but still, a photo, I took, of the President, with only 3x zoom...I was only about 50 feet away!

And, then I get to come home to cuteness!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I volunteered at the SPCA dog walk today, and didn't wear sunscreen. Ouch! Maybe it will help me feel warm tonight as it's going to be in the 30s. We turned the furnace on.

Big Man stopped at the store today to pick up bubbles because he thought Dani would enjoy them. She really couldn't figure them out, but she had fun trying!

Then we took a swing break.Stopped by the new Super WalMart for the first, and last, time. I hate that flippin' place, even if it is all shiny and new and full of bargains.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Return of the vampire baby.


Vampire baby has made a comeback. Beets add an extra special effect.

We had a lot of fun tonight. Big Man grilled some tasty steaks, and I'm pleased to report that Dani is a little carnivore! She enjoyed some steak, beets, and squash with us!
I'm a relative novice with beets. To be honest, I only have them because they come with my farm shares. It didn't really occur to me that they would stain everything they touched, and that Dani would manage to get them everywhere. She had fun though, even if her clothes and the high chair are permanently stained!

She has started to do this fake cough. At first, we thought it was cute, and would do a little "huh huh" back to her. Now, she's upped the ante to full on grunting/coughing; she did it tonight at dinner and I thought she was choking. Big Man informed me that it is her latest trick. Slightly disturbing. It seems to amuse her.

And, in keeping with the love/hate relationship, Dani is friends with Tigger again. By now, you are probably wondering why I get it out for her once a week or so, because sometimes she hates it. I am just so f&*%ing tired of the talking puppy and the musical table. Really. I am not capable of playing with the same 3 toys every day.

Big Man bought Dani an outfit today. I sent him out for some kind of soft-soled baby slipper/shoe, and he returned with hard soled sandals. Chalk it up to another unused baby item to be sold at the upcoming garage sale. But he bought her a cute little Minnie Mouse onesie with matching pants--so cute! Because I've been such a bulk shopper for baby clothes (craigslist, ebay, garage sales) we haven't needed anything, so Big Man had never really bought her any clothes, except a Bears onesie when she was a little bitty baby. He even got matching socks!

In non-Dani news, I was re-elected as chairperson of the Montgomery County Democratic Committee!

Headed to the doc on Wednesday for my first prenatal visit. Can't wait to see the little heartbeat!

Tomorrow, I'm working at the SPCA dog walk; it occurred to me that this is the third year I will attend the event in some stage of pregnancy. And the last.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9 months.

Where does the time go?

Busy week.

Dani's 9 month doctor visit was yesterday. Big Man took her (again) because she always has to get shots. I just don't want to see it!

Anyway, she's 27 1/2 inches long and 17 pounds 9 ounces.

Scrubbie cat still outweighs her!

No pics tonight because it's late and I'm on the old laptop. (sorry Dad.)

Monday, September 14, 2009

And then there were three.

Teeth, that is. And number four is fast aproaching.
Dani, although not yet walking, will pull herself up on you every chance she gets, and then she will literally try to climb up you, but she doesn't have the arms strength yet.
Big Man took this one today and emailed it to me at work! Happy baby!

I keep having scary dreams that I'm having twins. Hope not...guess I'll find out on the 23rd!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football Sunday!

Finally, it's football season again! I must confess we didn't watch as much of each game as we would have pre-Dani, because we were constantly chasing her around and stopping her from climbing up on furniture. We did get her to sit still for a second or two:
Dani was looking awesome in her Bears cheerleader outfit! She was so much fun today.
My fantasy football team is kicking ass! Big Man is home tonight, and we are ready to watch the Bears kick some butt tonight!
I had to share this one--looks like Dani is in baby jail!

Pregnancy update: I finally understand morning sickness; never was sick the first two times, but I feel queasy about 70% of the day. Meh.


Dani and I went to visit Alicia and her little ones Jacqueline and Alexandra. Dani was thrilled to be around another baby!
Dani was happy to play with someone else's toys!

She will pull herself up on anything and everything.....walking will be very soon!So much fun!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm 36 years old today.
Is it time for my mid-life crisis?
Probably not. These last twelve months have been pretty amazing. Sure, there's been some bumps (craters?) in the road, but all in all, I've got a lot to be happy about.

Unfortunately for me, little miss fussypants hit the tired wall earlier than usual, so my plans to go out to get something tasty for dinner got tanked by my crying child. Tigger is to blame. You will understand when you see the video. So, it looks like I will be doing the pregnant lady kitchen forage. So far, I've had a Special-K bar, a handfull of cheesits and a can of V-8.

Big Man should be rolling in around midnight; he's currently at the Detroit airport. Can't wait to see him, but probably won't be able to stay up that late!

Lots of flowers today--my day started with Dani, of course. At 7am, mom and dad called to sing "Happy Birthday" to me. My co-worker Heather came in with flowers for me, which was super-thoughtful, and then Big Man sent some, as did my dad--roses just like every year, this year 3 red and 6 white for 36. Here's a shot of the flowers from Big Man and dad; the others are still at the office to cheer me up tomorrow.

Holy distracting wallpaper Batman!

And, in the spirit of birthday silliness, and probably a little bit of payback, as I typically send Chang the most ridiculous of gag gifts, Chang sent me this:
It's an egg separator. You crack the egg into the head, and tilt the head and the egg white comes out the nose. Didn't try it out yet--can't guarantee that I actually will. Realized tonight that the baby may be born on Chang's birthday. Since it's a c-section we will get to pick the day, and if Chang's is one of them, I'm picking it! I will also (again) be raising the topic, if it's a boy, of Thomas Chang, because, honestly, I think it would be hella fun to have a little "Tommy Chang" running around (I promise to refrain from a Cheech and Chong themed nursery, and yes, I know it was Tommy Chong and not Tommy Chang, but it is close enough so bite me.). Somehow, I don't think Big Man will let me though, he's pretty unreasonable like that.

Dani and I had a little fun in the yard today. She's no longer afraid of grass, and was tearing across the lawn tonight.

Unfortunately, Dani is still afraid of Tigger, but in an almost angry way. Tigger makes her cry, yet she is oddly fascinated by him, and continues to touch him, but hits him too. This was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back tonight--after Tigger, we needed some quiet baby time--she was ready for bed. I think she fell asleep in about .8 seconds. Hopefully she won't have bad dreams about Tigger. She actually cries in her sleep, and writhes/rolls around in her crib, fast asleep on fairly regular basis. It really makes me wonder what kind of dreams babies have? Is there no milk in the bottle? Stale puffs?

One cool thing that Dani did tonight--a first for me, although when I tell Big Man, he will probably inform me she's been doing it for weeks. I was giving her a bottle before bed, and midway through, she pulled it out of her mouth, took it from me and began to feed herself! It was pretty awesome, like Dani's birthday present to me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Missing Daddy, a guest post by Dani.

Hi. Dani here. Daddy went on a trip today on a plane! Someday I'm going to go on a plane. Mommy says that next month we are going to visit Grandma and Grandpa in North Carolina. I can't wait!
It's kind of lonely here without Daddy. I had to go to my babysitter today. It is fun there, but not as much fun as it is with Daddy. I sure miss him.
Even my favorite prunes didn't taste as good for dinner tonight...meh. Sometimes, it's hard being a baby.
Tomorrow, mommy is having a bunch of her friends over for a jewelry party. I love jewelry--I especially love pulling on Mommy's necklaces. I hope she gets some more for me to play with!
The only good part about Daddy not being here is that I get his remote all to myself! And, I can even pull myself up on the couch to get it.

I wore my cute pants tonight. Chantal and Cookie gave them to me when I was just a little baby. Mommy says it's okay to have words on my butt when I'm a baby, but not when I'm big. She says that would be slutty. I don't know what slutty means, but I don't think I want to be it when I grow up.

Mommy says I have to go to bed now. Night night.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor day.

Labor day meant lots more labor for B, because Big Man threw out his back, so I was on Dani-duty all day. Given the fact that he's leaving tomorrow, I'm on Dani duty until Friday morning. Just me and my baby!

We rocked out on the music table! She can pull herself up on it and play away!
And, daddy was up for some snuggling, despite the sore back!

Sarge heads to work tonight--first night with two stripes on his sleeve!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I mock, therefore I am.

I've seen this truck for the past few months around town, and I've been dying to snap a picture of the custom detailing on it, but I never have my camera, or I never catch it at a traffic light. Until today. I don't know why I've been so obsessed with capturing this, probably because I didn't know that redneck was a lifestyle...

Perhaps that is the market for this toy:

Really, because anyone who buys Dani the Pole Dancer doll is seriously getting unfriended.

I met my friend Kristen for lunch today--she has a 9 month old. We were segregated into the screaming baby section at Ruby Tuesday. The babies really were excited to be together--they kept each other entertained, with the shrieking and the arm flailing and the puff eating.

Fun times!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Keep off the grass.

Dani and I spent some time in the front yard tonight, just people watching. It was a beautiful evening--just perfect for sitting on the lawn and screeching.
I brought out a sheet, mostly so I could sit on it, figuring that Dani would crawl around the grass. Nope. She wouldn't touch the grass. My attempts to have her touch it or put her on it had her flinging herself back onto the sheet before I could even turn the camera on to record it! It was way funny!

It was just a nice evening to be outside with my baby!

Big Man got his sergeant schedule, and he now has tomorrow night off! Woo hoo!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy happy joy joy!

All is well in the land of B. Big Man, everyone's favorite crime fighter, just learned that he will be promoted on Sunday to the rank of Sergeant. Bad guys, beware!

Dani had us laughing all night. She was silly and screechy, and filled with fun baby energy! Some days, life just feels like it can't get any better!
Enjoy the enthusiastic screeching!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


First, allow me to say that I am just. so. damn. tired.
I don't have the energy to post anything witty or amusing, just Dani pics.
Had a little fun with Dani's hairbrush tonight--can you say baby conehead? Really, it did that with just a little brushing.......fun times in the B house--even Dani looks annoyed with me.

I picked up a pizza for dinner and we decided to let Dani have a little bit of the crust and sauce. It was worth every bit of the mess she made--she LOVED it. It seemed to work just like a teething biscuit, she just kept gnawing and gnawing on it...a girl after my own heart.
Big Man picked up a baby walker for me to use in the mornings. Dani's threatening to undertake a kamikaze mission and fling herself out of her bouncy chair when she gets tired of it, so hopefully the walker will entertain her better when I'm in the shower. She likes to spin Elmo's head around, and is figuring out the walking thing--but it looks more like she's playing bumper cars in the house.

She is basically standing every second she can these days--daddy keeps rescuing her from pulling up on things with wheels, etc...so close to walking!