I couldn't find the Harley Barn in Effingham, IL which you can see from Interstate 57, but is hidden when you get off the exit, so we stopped at a gas station and I asked a biker for directions. He offered to escort us there. It was like the beginning of a Rob Zombie movie, where I was kind of wondering if he was going to make us dig our own graves before he killed us, but he actually just escorted us there. As you can see, it really looks like a barn:We learned that Dani does not (so far) have a nut allergy. At Cafe Allegro, Big Man let her have a finger of frosting from his torte. Marie then asked whether Dani was allergic to nuts as the frosting was made with almond extract.......oops. But, no reaction. Fortunately it was not baby's first trip to the ER.
Dani almost figured out waving bye bye, and is making progress crawling--her legs get it, but her arms give out, she ends up face planting! She can, however, make it across a room on her back, by making neck bridges and pushing herself forward with her legs.
A short video from today's tummy time: