Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Man baby prep.

I stopped home at lunch today, as Big Man has the day off. He'd done the grocery shopping, and had purchased for himself Centrum Cardio vitamins and Fish Oil capsules. Before you think, "no big deal", I have been begging this man for years to take vitamins, and patiently explaining to him that his (maybe) one serving per day of frozen vegetables is wholly inadequate to sustain him nutritionally. He, in turn, would call the vitamins "placebos" and refuse to take them. Apparently, impending fatherhood has compelled him to be a little healthier; he has also been going to the gym regularly, and laying off the junk food. (I'm ready to ask the alien creature in my home who he is and what he did with my husband.) In any event, I'm thrilled and hope it lasts.

In other Big Man pregnancy nazi news: last night, I mentioned to Big Man that it would be good if he baked a cake. Cake just sounded yummy at that random moment. When I came home today, Big Man was just finishing running the mixer because he WAS baking me a cake! And, what a double-bonus, I was home to lick the batter bowl! Batter=lunch of champions! But no, Big Man refused to let me within 4 feet of the batter bowl or the mixer thingies, because batter=baby poison. I explained to him that I've had raw eggs in batter since I've been pregnant and the chances of anything bad happening were pretty slim, but no dice--pregnancy nazi wins again, "No batter for you!"
But, at least I'll have cake tonight! Woo hoo!

Was too exhausted last night to post NC pics, but should get to it tonight.

Also, had a great showing on our house Sunday and our realtor expects a contract in the next day or so...

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