Friday, September 12, 2008

The stress trifecta.

It's been a bad week for posting (sorry Dad!).


Between being pregnant and selling my house, I decided that there was not quite enough stress in my life, so I've decided to give notice at my job and join a new law firm next month. This should allow me to have a much more flexible schedule for mommy-dom and also to earn more money, etc. I did, however, just settle into a new firm this year, and now have to move, notify clients, etc. Fun!

I turned 35 this week. Big Man aka Pregnancy Nazi took me out to dinner Wednesday, and suggested I have a birthday glass of wine. One. (This from the man who called the energy drinks I bought "retard juice" and said I shouldn't drink them.) I declined. Not because I didn't want to have a glass (honestly, I'd like about 6 glasses), but because I LOOK SO PREGNANT! And in this silly small town, where (a) lots of people know me due to politics and (b) as an interracial couple we certainly stand out, I didn't think that it would help my political or professional reputation to be seen drinking. I am sure the word on the streets would be that I was throwing them back, hugely pregnant, etc. No exaggeration. It happened once before. I was at a restaurant/bar near my house after I had recently won my first election as Supervisor, I was talking to one of the cooks about the election, and it was raining, and he was going to walk home, and I gave him a ride (literally around the corner). The next day, my cousin Dave was having lunch there with a friend, and the son of the man I'd beaten in the election was telling them the story of how the girl who beat his dad in the election went home with the cook the night before. No lie. As I'm working on growing my professional practice, I don't need to have any crazy rumors floating around...

Open house tomorrow, and lots of upcoming posts, so stay tuned faithful reader (Dad).

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