Saturday, June 28, 2008

The apple in my tummy.

So, I'm at about 15 or 16 weeks right now, an according to the reports, the baby's the size of an apple, or an avocado, or some type of food item approximately that size. Why doesn't baby center use pregnant-lady craving type food, instead of fruits and vegetables? I would have much rather envisioned my baby as a Gobstopper or a chicken mcnugget (instead of a kumquat), or a twinkie, or even a caramel apple instead of just a plain ol' apple. That's the way this pregnant lady's mind is working these days.

I've been craving candy, tart and chewy like now and laters and laffy taffy. If that goes the way everything else does, this should last about a week or two, just long enough for me to have a nice, big stockpile of the goodies, only to decide that I don't want them anymore. Then they are left behind to be consumed by the big man. So, it's yet another week of strange and random grocery store purchases. Today: now and laters, laffy taffy, Jax cheese puffs, vanilla yogurt, sugar smacks cereal. So far, no weight gain, but I think big man's up about 10-12 pounds because of my recent purchasing habits!

A bit of writer's block this week...once my blog starts getting traffic, I suddenly become unfunny and have nothing to say...oops.

Embarassing confession of the week: I'm watching the finale of Groomer Has It while I type this entry. Somehow, weeks ago, the big man was working some overtime, and I just happened to be flipping, and started watching it. It's basically a reality show where dog groomers compete each week to see who is the best groomer in the nation. It may be the worst reality show ever. But, once I start watching a reality show, I just get sucked in...which is why I generally avoid them like the plague. You'd think I'd get tired of weekly shampoos and blow dries, but I'm sucked in. I can feel my baby's IQ going down as I type...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bubba! I'm so glad things are going well.

xoxoxoxox from Chicago