Sunday, June 22, 2008

What's the point of facebook?

A little over a month ago, some young democrats from the State Young Dems said that if I wanted to attract young dems to my county democratic committee that I needed to set up a profile on Facebook. So, I create a profile, and now I have 42 friends. Oh, and no new young dems in my commitee.

A large number of my friends are people I went to college with, and haven't talked to since, say, 1995. Some are high school friends I haven't talked to since, say, 1991. Some are local politicos and fellow dems. Every day, someone sends me a game, or a green patch, or some quiz challenge. In other words, it seems to be just a collossal time waster, like all of the social/professional networking sites I've joined. It just seems to be another way that I can do absolutely nothing productive... The whole world seems to have a facebook profile. I must be missing something.


Bill said...

I more or less had the same opinion of MySpace. The one thing I've found different on Facebook is the news feed. It's an easy to keep up on what's going on in the lives of friends. E.g., hey, look Bob broke up with Alice, Rick went to Hawaii & posted pics of his trip, Tom is getting married, Alan had a baby & posted pics, etc.

Having said that, it is a total timewaster. :)

Fermi said...

FB does waste time, which is fine if you have time to waste and stalk people in college. I joined in college and I thought it was awesome. That was before the flower pot apps.

FB is good for stalking people you don't want to talk to. You can see when they get married or get dumped, etc.

B, Esq. said...

Lately, I seem to get sucked into word games, challenged by college friends. Way fun, but total time drain!