Two videos for you reader (Dad)!
Dani, post-bath, while Daddy tries to dress her.
And, just some cuteness in her Cubs onesie.
That's all for today; not feeling so well today. Left work early because I felt yuk.
Hopefully better tomorrow.
Two videos for you reader (Dad)!
Dani, post-bath, while Daddy tries to dress her.
And, just some cuteness in her Cubs onesie.
That's all for today; not feeling so well today. Left work early because I felt yuk.
Hopefully better tomorrow.
And then we went to a graduation party for Rusty Decker, where Dani also had fun--she saw lots of kids, and got lots of attention because she was the only baby! I brought a blanket so she could have some fun on the lawn.
When I got home I was so sore and tired--holding a 16 pound baby for hours really does a number on an out of shape girl like me. I am so sore as I type, not my arms, or legs, but my abdomen--I feel like I just had a c-section. Ugh.
But enough whining. When I got home I was talking to Big Man and told him that every time I get Dani out of the pack-n-play, I try to have her stand for a minute or two and hold the rail, but she has yet to figure out the holding herself up part. Big Man says, "She does it for me all the time." He then picks her up, and we walk to the pack-n-play and, lo and behold, the kid stands and holds herself up! (Look at her beaming at Daddy!)
In reality, clumsy B spilled formula on the table, and needed to get as much as she could into the bottle!
Party on!
Gram enjoying our off key rendition of "Happy Birthday"And Auntie Barbara who had so much fun with Dani!
I didn't have as much time to spend with them as I would have liked due to the car incident and some late afternoon fussiness which was a sign that getting on the road would be a good idea sooner than I'd planned, but all told, a great visit. Happy Birthday Gram.
My theory is if you ever see a book called "Balls!" you should buy it for your child.
It's been a fun day so far! Just Big Man, Dani and I, enjoying each other's company.
In other news, Dani has begun to babble. She did it for the first time (in my presence) last night. I learned two things: she has done it before and Big Man DIDN'T tell me. He said she's broken out with some ma ma and some ba ba prior to yesterday. I have to confess I'm kind of glad that he didn't tell me because then when she did it in front of me I didn't feel like I missed it. (Thank you Big Man. You always get to see the stuff first! But, I'm glad you let me do it too.) The second thing I learned is that Dani recognizes the camera and focuses on it when she sees it...little ham just like her mommy! Thank God she's abandoned the baby hiss!
Behold the babble:
Finally, I'm on my county's SPCA Board of Directors, and they were having a wine tasting tonight. I decided to bring Dani because I needed to show up, even if I couldn't really help much. It was going to be her first big, crowded event, and she did great! I brought the baby carrier, and had her face me, because people have a tendency to get all up in a baby's grill, and sometimes Dani isn't a fan of that, and I figured if the people or noise bothered her, she would be facing me, and calm...she spent the entire 90 minutes we were there trying to turn around to see everything! She could not get enough of the people and was so smiley and happy. Hoping she'll be a social butterfly like mommy! It was really fun, except mommy didn't taste any wine, because something felt wrong about walking up to tasting tables with a baby strapped to me!
To read that post, click here:
At that time, I suggested that, given the picture, we may consider naming the baby Lon Cheney.
Once you see this video, you will agree, that I have a little vampire baby. Funny shizzle here:
Tee hee.
Sometimes a little competition's good for everyone!
*disclaimer--if you are my sister in law, I was only joking about liking one of your kids better than the other yesterday.
Peace, y'all!